Special report: A state-of-the-art automatic washing complex has been opened in Samara

Railroads operate all year-round in any weather conditions: heat, rail, snow and slush. It goes without saying that it is more pleasant for a passenger to travel in a beautiful and clean carriage.

However, bearing in mind the number of rolling stock operated at the net of RZhD railroads, it is not an easy task to keep it exemplary clean and manual washing is not the best variant, especially in the XXI century. Russian Railways management parlayed on modern technologies – construction of automatic washing facilities. One of them, that has no analogues in Russia, was developed by Wagon-Service and opened in July 2012 in Samara.

For further details refer to Mr Alexandr Stoletov’s special report.

2 August 2012 TV-Channel RZD-TV

Alexandr Stoletov

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